Quad at Cloney Audio
One of the industry's most respected brand names, Quad have been around since before World War 2, with their legendary strapline: “the Closest Approach to the Original Sound”.
Founder Peter Walker’s genius is best reflected in the original Quad Electrostatic loudspeaker the Esl 57. Introduced (as the name suggests) in 1957 the electrostatic stunned music lovers who had never heard anything sound so realistic. In fact, the Esl 57 remained in production virtually unchanged for 28 years and was (and indeed still is) considered the reference speaker for many including radio & TV stations, professional musicians, rival speaker makers and critical listeners worldwide.

Quad also established itself as a well regarded manufacturer of amplifiers for domestic and studio purposes. In fact, its 405 power amp was pretty much ubiquitous in those environments throughout the 1970’s and ‘80s..
Today Quad has evolved into a modern manufacturer of amplifiers and speakers and CD players, with something to suit most listeners whatever their budget. The Vena (ins link) is a particularly outstanding affordable amplifier.
For more info on Quad, visit their website quad-hifi.co.uk or visit us for a demo!